HOKA fan Simon reconnects with the wild in Tanzania

HOKA fan Simon James 'flies' over the mountain in Tanzania

Some 19,000 years ago, people were stood in the very same spot as Simon James in Tanzania. They weren’t just standing either, they were running. Ancient footprints are exquisitely preserved in the mud, now rock. Find out more about Simon’s humbling experience and how he reconnected with the wild during his trip to Lake Natron.

We stood there in the baking sun, the temperature pushing into the mid-40s, the ground radiated immense heat. It was like standing in an oven. Towering high above us was Ol Doinyo Lengai – or ‘the Mountain of God’ – an active volcano soaring out of the Tanzanian Rift Valley to around 3,000m high.

Some 19,000 years ago, people were standing in the very same spot we were now. Not just standing, but running. Their footprints are exquisitely preserved in the mud, now rock. Their toes, even droplets of water which spilled off their feet as they ran, marked the very moments they ran through the mud.

Ancient footprints in the Tanzanian mud

For me, trail running is all about reconnecting with the wild. The wild is where we began and deep down it’s who we are. Running is such a simple and beautiful movement and connects us across race, culture, gender and time. It’s something hard wired in all of us, from that moment we are born and the instinctual feeling of fight or flight, to escaping our cluttered lives as adults and running out down a trail.

True definition of wild

It had taken a 14-hour flight and 7 hours in Jeeps on unmade roads to get to the location, Lake Natron, near the border with Kenya. It felt like we had landed on Mars. We ran through the tiny village of Ngare Sero, the only village on the southern shore of Lake Natron. It felt surreal and exciting to be finally running in this land. It really was the true definition of wild!

HOKA fan Simon looks out into the night sky

The local Maasai called out and waved as we ran past. Some even came to run with us. It was an amazing experience and one that I will treasure for a lifetime. In that moment we ran together, we ran because we all loved running, and everyone was laughing. The kids joined us and soon we were all running just because it felt good to run. We couldn’t speak Maasai, but no language was needed to convey that incredible connection made for just an instant.

Life on the edge

Life is on the edge in Ngare Sero and there is no doubt that survival for most who live here is an everyday experience. I was working with a team of very experienced leaders, facilitating students to help play a part in an international schools’ project, which aimed to provide sustainable access to food and funding for local schools.

The lake and landscape at Lake Natron

Nothing is what it seems, though, in that part of the world. Although we were right next to the sixth-largest lake in Tanzania, it was highly toxic to humans with its high alkalinity. But because of this, it is also sanctuary to 2.5 million lesser flamingos.

Reconnecting with the wild

The volcano, which regularly erupts and destroys everything in its path, was the very reason why the footprints had been preserved. We sat with those footprints for some time. It was emotional and truly humbling.

The landscape in Tanzania

I thought back to my relationship with running, and how deeply it is part of who I am. My hands gently touched where their feet had landed in the mud. The scene that I now saw, the lake shimmering behind me in the extreme heat, the Mountain of God dominating this land, those runners would have had the same view some 19,000 years ago. For a moment, I felt we were somehow connected. The first trail runners and me.

Tanzania night sky

Photo credit: Simon James

Feeling inspired? Simon works full-time in the outdoor industry, looking after the day-to-day operation of Run the Wild and working as a trail running guide. In summer, he is based in Saint Gervais, at the foot of Mont Blanc, and for the rest of the year in the Chiltern Hills in the UK. Simon works on charity-based projects in Tanzania as well as leading groups up Kilimanjaro. Follow Simon and Run the Wild on Instagram and check out the website here.

HOKA on the podium at Trail World Championships

HOKA athlete Nicolas Martin runs up a hill

Last weekend saw a number of HOKA athletes compete for their countries at the 2019 IAU and ITRA World Trail Running Championships.

Team Italy do the conga in the town square

There was a feelgood festival vibe as more than 400 athletes from around the world descended on the Portuguese town of Miranda Do Corvo to tackle the 44km race.

HOKA athlete Julien Rancon relaxes before the event

Athletes kicked back to conserve as much energy as possible on the eve of the race. The technical terrain would feature more than 2,200m of climbing and certainly put the athletes through their paces.

HOKA athlete Marco de Gasperi runs up a steep hill surrounded by supporters.

The atmosphere on race day was electric. Team HOKA were represented in the men’s event by Italy’s Marco de Gasperi and the French quartet of Julien Rancon, Ludovic Pommeret, Nicolas Martin and Emmanuel Meyssat.

HOKA athlete Nicolas Martin grimaces and sprints in the final straight

Fans flanked the course to help propel the athletes to the finish line. Nicolas certainly channeled the energy from the crowds and made every second count.

HOKA athlete Julien Rancon runs with the France flag and finishes second.

It turned out to be an excellent day for Julien and the France national trail running team. Julien, who specialises in shorter-distance trail running, surged into second position with a quarter of the race to run and didn’t look back.

HOKA athlete Julien Rancon in tears at the end of the race

“I was far back on the start line and had to make an effort to get up with the leading group.  I didn’t really enjoy the first part as it was very technical, so stayed patient until the first refreshment station.  I felt very good going uphill, got into second at the top of the course and managed to keep my second place to the line. Crossing the line was a very emotional moment.” HOKA athlete Julien Rancon.

HOKA athletes fly the France flag with team gold

The athletes, fans and organisers certainly made the 2019 World Trail Running Championships epic. Julien led the French quartet featuring HOKA athletes Nicolas, Emmanuel and Ludovic to team gold. Bravo team France: world trail running champions 2019.

Podium in Portugal