HOKA Instagram takeover with David McNamee

HOKA athlete David McNamee

Like all of us, HOKA athlete David McNamee is managing the current global situation the best he can. Based in Girona, Spain, he has followed government advice and stayed at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow the story below as David took over the HOKA EU Instagram account to show us what life is like as a pro athlete at this uncertain time.

HOKA athlete David McNamee weightlifting

The two-time IRONMAN World Championship bronze medallist walked us through his new normal in a country where a state of emergency was declared almost two weeks ago.

HOKA athlete David McNamee on the exercise bike

With total lockdown on any outdoor activity in Spain, it was time for David to rethink and adapt his training. For somebody whose job it is to run, swim and cycle many hours and kilometres each week, the current situation presents a unique challenge.

Running training plan for HOKA athlete David McNamee

“The main thing I’ve learned is to only worry about what I can control,” says David. With one run on the treadmill and two sessions on the bike planned during the day, David used Zwift for extra motivation knowing that others were joining him for the ride.

HOKA athlete David McNamee on Zwift

David threw the floor open for followers to ask him anything they wanted. Find out what David’s favourite session is, his three fantasy dinner guests, his best training partner over the years and more by watching back the Instagram Story Highlight.

HOKA athlete David McNamee swims indoor with bands

Every night in Spain, people gather on their balconies to applaud and show their appreciation for the front-line staff working to help combat the virus. As David pointed out, in times of uncertainty, it’s time to act responsibly and adapt our training. It will soon be time to fly again.

Photo credit: Oriol Batista and David McNamee